Stanly County
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Stanly County Quality

Licensed Child Care Centers
License Type Number of Programs Percent of Programs Number of Slots Percent of Slots
1 Star 5 18.5% 297 15.3%
2 Stars 0 0% 0 0%
3 Stars 1 3.7% 32 1.6%
4 Stars 8 29.6% 391 20.1%
5 Stars 11 40.7% 1,133 58.3%
Sub Total 25 92.6% 1,853 95.3%
GS110-106 0 0% 0 0%
Temporary 2 7.4% 92 4.7%
Provisional 0 0% 0 0%
Probationary 0 0% 0 0%
Total 27 100% 1,945 100%
Source: Child Care Resources Inc.; June 30, 2020.

Licensed Family Child Care Homes
License Type Number of Programs Percent of Programs Number of Slots Percent of Slots
1 Star 0 0% 0 0%
2 Stars 0 0% 0 0%
3 Stars 6 85.7% 0 0%
4 Stars 1 14.3% 48 85.7%
5 Stars 0 0% 8 14.3%
Sub Total 7 100% 56 100%
GS110-106 0 0% 0 0%
Temporary 0 0% 0 0%
Provisional 0 0% 0 0%
Probationary 0 0% 0 0%
Total 7 100% 56 100%
Source: Child Care Resources Inc.; June 30, 2020.